Week at a Glance: Sept 4 – 9


We are so thankful you put your trust in us to walk alongside you in “training up your child in the way he/she should go.” Proverbs 22:6  If you have not started following  Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy on Facebook or ilca_gocru on Instagram, you are missing out on all the fun.  When you are part of our social media feed, you will see some pretty great updates about our really awesome students.  At least one of the pics may be your beloved little one.

News and Updates

  • Mr. Rogers officially opened the playground on Monday with a fresh set of playground do’s and don’ts and a whole lot of fun and laughter.
  • Drills, drills, and more drills…since our last writing, we have had a hold drill.  A hold drill really is the best kind of drill because there is no need to interrupt learning.  Students and teachers continue working together, but our hallways are kept clear, and no one leaves or enters the building.  A hold would be activated if, for example, an adult fell in the hallway and needed medical attention. We also had our “surprise” fall visit from the Broken Arrow Fire Department this week.  They were very complimentary of our students and staff for how quickly they exited our buildings and arrived safely at our gathering place on the football field.
  • Security Installations:  All but one of the NightLock security devices have been installed in the main building and in the annex.  In addition, a mag lock entrance has been added to the back of the annex to provide additional security and yet allow students to access the restroom from the playground.  Thanks to all who made this possible.
  • Lady Cru volleyball girls continue to have an extremely successful season.  There are a few games left, so please make plans to attend a game and support the Lady Cru.
  • Off-Season Basketball practice began Thursday with conditioning drills.  A shoutout to all those who had the courage to try out for a spot on the team, and a big congratulations to all who made the Varsity and JV Crusader squads.  Looking forward to a fun season of Crusader basketball!
  • Healthy Snack Table: Mr. Clark is offering healthy snacks during the day to students at cost.  Items will be 50 cents.  The table is restocked weekly.  Reminder: Students need to check with their teachers as to whether snacks are allowed in the classroom.

SEARCHES:  If you have not read through the Student Handbook with your child/children, we would encourage you to spend some time over this long weekend to review.  One of the areas covered is with regard to searches.  Students should not have an expectation of privacy while on campus.  We reserve the right to conduct random searches of lockers, backpacks, and such.  As part of our increased safety focus, this year we will be having random drug searches of lockers/hallways/parking lots utilizing trained drug dogs.  It is our hope that our Crusaders would never make these types of choices, but should that not be the case, we will follow the consequence guidelines outlined in the student handbook.  If you have questions or concerns regarding the presence of drug dogs on campus, please reach out to Mr. Rogers or Mrs. Berwaldt by Tuesday, Sep 5, 2023.

BULLYING:  Mrs. Berwaldt had the opportunity to have a very frank conversation with some of our middle school students about bullying, why bullying occurs, when bullying is likely to occur, and how to act and/or react when you witness bullying or are a victim of bullying.  We have been disheartened to learn that a few of our Crusaders have chosen to participate in words or actions that have made others feel uncomfortable, discouraged, and “less than”.  This week, Mr. Clark will be taking our 5th-9th grade students on a field trip to Training Ground Karate School.  Topics such as Bullying and self-defense will be covered.  Bullying is another great topic for valuable “dinner table” discussions.  Bullying has no place in the hearts and minds of our Crusader crew.

Finally, remember there is NO SCHOOL on Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend, hug your children, and remember:

 Crusaders are:

  • Respectful
  • Responsible
  • Reverent

After-School Opportunities – Start Sept 5 – See the website for more details and how to sign up for clubs.  Monday’s classes will start Monday, September 11, due to Labor Day.   


September lunch menu – click HERE
Blue and Gold order forms – click HERE for forms.  Due Sept 14

Monday: NO SCHOOL-Labor Day


  • Volleyball at Crossover Prep MS 4:00 pm      


  • 8:10 a.m.:  Middle and High School Chapel
  • 8:50 a.m.:  Pre-K through 5th Chapel
  • 8:45:am:  5th-9th Field Trip to Training Ground Karate School (more details to follow via email)



Upcoming Events:

  • Picture Day is coming up on September 12th & 13th. Be sure to wear your favorite uniform and a smile!
  • No School September 15th for the Lutheran Teacher’s Conference.
  • Our next early release day will be September 29th.
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