Week at a Glance: November 6 – 11


  • NSU representative speaking with high school students.
  • Guitar & Ukulele Lessons with an Instructor. 


  • Basketball home game at Rhema: MS Girls 5:00pm, MS Boys 6:00pm, JV Boys 7:30Pm.
  • Jr Cru Cheer Practice: 4:00-5:00pm.
  • Model Train Club: 3:25-4:25pm after school in Mrs. Hendrick’s Room. 
  •  Drawing Class: after school in the multipurpose room. 


  • Tumbling Class: after school in the Narthex.


  • Basketball home game at Rhema: MS Girls 4:00pm, MS Boys 5:00pm, JV Boys 6:00pm and HS Boys 7:30pm.
  • Tippi Toes Class: meeting in the Narthex after school.
  • Piano Lessons: will be after school in the Sanctuary Studio.

Friday: Veterans Day Chapel 9:00am

  • Book fair begins today! See flyers below for more information.
  • eGaming after school 3:30-5pm MS/HS students Mrs. Hendricks room. Contact Joshua Simmons for more information.  joshua.simmons@oneok.com


  • Basketball away game at Eastwood Baptist: MS Boys 3:00pm, JV Boys 4:00pm, MS Girls 5:15pm and HS Boys 6:15pm.


  • Check your pre-paid accounts for balances.
  • If you have further questions about dates and times of upcoming events, click HERE.
  • If you have any questions regarding athletics be sure to contact Mr. Camp our Athletic Director. scamp@icaba.com

Things to Remember:

SAFETY FIRST!  Parents, as a reminder, we should never be in such a hurry that our decisions put ILCA students in danger.  This is never more critical than during pick-up and drop-off times.  Please remember that our parking lot is one large school zone both before, during, and after school.  In our main parking lot, especially, we have a lot of student traffic between the annex and the main building.  Students do not always set looking both ways as a priority.  PLEASE proceed with caution and a slow speed when traveling through our parking lot.  

Brrrrr!  Baby it’s cold outside….Cold weather is here.  Just a reminder that we will still be having outdoor activities (K-12).  Please send a coat that is appropriate for the forecast.  Typically, if we are above 32 degrees, we will plan to be outside.  We need the sunshine and energy release to be able to focus on our afternoon studies.

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