Volleyball Covid Procedures

Crusader Nation,
In an effort to keep our Immanuel community and guests and visitors safe, we will be enacting the following procedures for the volleyball games we host on Immanuel’s campus this coming season.
All spectators will be required to wear masks. Only two family members per athlete will be permitted to attend the matches for that athlete’s sets. We are doing this to ensure we are able to socially distance as much as possible.
When the middle school sets are complete, we ask that all middle school family members leave the gymnasium through the south doors and then exit the school building through the front doors. While we are between the middle and high school games, we will disinfect the gym and chairs. After the disinfecting is complete, we will allow for the entrance of spectators for the high school game.
These procedures do not apply when we host games at Rhema. Thank you for your understanding and support of our athletic programs during these difficult times. The volleyball schedule for the 2020 season has been posted on our school website.
Taylor Mueller
Athletic Director