School’s right around the corner – school start information

Hi Parents and Students, it’s hard to believe school is right around the corner! I wanted to reach out with information as we start thinking about “Back to School.”

Meet the Teacher is on Monday, August 15, starting at 6 PM.  More information on that night’s activities will be sent out next week. Middle school and high school students can pick up their schedules and locker combinations. I highly recommend investing in a locker divider. High school students will also be able to pick up their computers.  We encourage new and returning families to join us as we get back into the groove of school, becoming familiar with the classrooms, schedules, and Sycamore.  We have a great staff lineup for this year, and you’ll get to meet and greet our new and returning teachers.

The FIRST day of school is Wednesday, August 17, with all students reporting to class by 8 am.  During first hour, 5th – 12th grade students will be given everything they need to start the school year: planner, binder, pens, pencils, etc. If students lose their binder or need additional supplies later in the school year, they are expected to supply their own.

Keep an eye out as Fine Arts will be sending out fall information, afternoon course offerings, and registration this week. Information will also be available on our website – Fine Arts.

Before and After School Activities: Online Google sign-up forms are available on our webpage – before/after school opportunities – click HERE. We encourage you to have your child(ren) sign up as soon as possible as several classes are limited to a certain number of students per class/semester.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Ginger Hendricks, and I’ll be more than happy to assist.  Would love to see an Elementary parent host a once-a-week Lego club. 

Volunteers anyone?

  • Lunch Volunteers – come enjoy lunch weekly with elementary and/or MS/HS students. Students love seeing family, and teachers can use that time to collaborate and prepare afternoon lessons.
  • Unfortunately, I injured my arm this summer, and I’m not allowed to use my right arm while it’s healing. Next week on Tuesday the 9th and Thursday the 11th, I would love help putting together the binder/supplies for students and setting up my classroom.  I’ll be at school from 1 pm – 5:15 pm. This is a great opportunity to earn time if you’re an NHS student needing hours or a parent needing volunteer hours. Calling all animal lovers! I have a menagerie of animals in my classroom, from turtles to fish to gerbils. This fall, I would love weekly help in the afternoons, caring for the critters and keeping my classroom smelling fresh, lol.


Mrs. H

Ginger Hendricks
MS/HS Science Teacher and Dual Credit Instructor
Website/Phone App Administrator/Sycamore Administrator
Before/After School Opportunities Coordinator

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