School Wide Rules and Dress Code
Good Afternoon,
Middle School and High School students have had several conversations about what is allowed and not allowed at school. I am attaching a list of basic rules that we ask the students to follow. These have been in lockers in the past and this is a good reminder for all. Please remind your child at home.
Also for Spirit Wear on Fridays, the staff would like to see the students show school spirit. This means that the students need to be wearing a shirt that represents our school. This mean only ILCA shirts! Let’s show our school spirit.
Please also take the time to go to the school website and look at dress code. There are still some students who are wearing sweatshirts that are not ILCA approved, girls who have skirts that are too short, jewelry that is not allowed, or students with writing on their bodies.
Thank you for your help in working with your children and encouraging them to follow the basic rules. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Mrs. Cobb