School Weather Notifications

Dear ILCA Parents,
I hope this email finds you all well.
As we anticipate what is in store for us regarding the upcoming snowstorm, I wanted to share what our communication would look like in the event of a weather or other school cancellation. Notification on school status will be made by 10 pm the night before, or 6 am the day of school.
- Faculty/Staff will be notified first. Please do not email, call, or text teachers/staff on the school status.
- Next notification is to parents. Parents will be notified via email and the website. Please take this time to make sure you have your notifications turned on, and that your current and accurate email address is correct in Sycamore. If you do not have the school mobile site on your phone, I encourage you to do so.
- Notification is to TV stations. If you do not see ILCA listed on one TV station’s crawl listing, please go to the next one as TV stations response times may vary.
There are many factors that go into whether or not to have school on a particular day. Our focus is for everyone’s safety driving to drop their children off for school, as well as our student drivers in the high school.
May God continue to bless you, your family, and the entire Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy family.
Serving the Master Teacher,
Mr. Jake Rogers, Headmaster
Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy