Parade tomorrow! Meet Details!

Hi Parents!!

Our Christmas parade is TOMORROW!!! We are so excited to see all of you for a safe, fun parade. 

Just a few things before tomorrow:

  1.  We will meet on Elgin on the WEST side of Main street at 9:15am!!!
  2. We are asking everyone to wear ILCA spirit wear (navy and gold) and/or Christmas gear! Bust out those Santa hats and fun Christmas accessories! Feel free to bring Santa hats, etc. 
  3. We will have a truck for our ILCA cheerleaders.  Some of our athletes will be passing out candy and school information.  We will have our big blue Crusader school bus.  You and your family can either walk or ride on the bus.  We’d like to request that masks be worn on the school bus at all times, for the safety of all participating. 
  4. Even if you haven’t RSVP’d yet, but are able to come, please just come and join us!

We’re looking forward to representing our school tomorrow to the great city of Broken Arrow!


Susan Divine
Administrative Assistant
Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy
Office: 918-251-5422

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