OK State School Tax Credit Information

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Helpful Up-to-Date Information

The Oklahoma Tax Commission has released a brief explainer video to provide parents with more information about the Parental Choice Tax Credit.  Reminder - the parental choice application window opens Tuesday, February 18 at 9 AM!
Help Center: Individuals Tax Center  - Click HERE

The opening of the application window for the Parental Choice Tax Credit is quickly approaching.

Here is important information you may need in order to apply successfully:

  • *Registration opens at 9:00 am on Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
  • EVN (Enrollment Verification Number): you should have received an EVN number via email from the state of Oklahoma for each of your children. If you did not receive an EVN or there is an error in your student’s information, please let our office know.
  • An application will need to be completed for each individual student.
  • Have the following documents ready: EVN/Personal Information/Parental consent Form (if applicable)Student Information/Federal Adjusted Gross Income (2023)/Case Number/Member ID and Confirmation of Benefits (if applicable).