Middle School Course Descriptions
Language Arts
Pre-AP English (grades 7 & 8)
Reading comprehension is the indicator of future success in education. The only way for that skill to develop is through consistent practice. Pre-AP students will be expected to read an assigned number of works of literature during the year. Of these assigned books, four to six will be assigned by the teacher for in-depth, in-class analysis. Other reading will be chosen from an assigned list.
Students should expect to maintain a minimum grade average of 80%. The student, parent, and teacher will sign a contract agreeing to the requirements for the course. Summer reading will be required and must be completed by the first day of the new school year.
English (Grades 6, 7 & 8)
The middle school level English curriculum is anchored in reading and writing. In reading, students re-visit and reinforce fundamental skills and begin acquiring the tools and techniques that will allow them to analyze and evaluate texts: vocabulary development, close reading, artistry in language, and literary strategies. Students explore a variety of genres, periods, and authors, to experience for themselves the adventure and the power of reading. Similarly, students investigate and create through poetry, prose, and multiple media. They learn what effective communication requires of them as writers, speakers, presenters, and listeners. Activities include the study of grammar and spelling as well as conventions of form and standards of evaluation used in school, in writing competitions, and in publishing.
Math 1 (5th and 6th Graders)
Students in this course will use ratio reasoning, recognize integer properties, evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions, solve one step equations and inequalities, explore rational numbers,and build upon prior knowledge of fraction operations. Students will also study an introduction to statistical variability and probability as well as investigate real world mathematical problems involving area, perimeter, and volume of basic geometric shapes and solids. Students will follow the Oklahoma State Standards for 6th Grade Math.
Math 2 (6th and 7th Graders)
Students in this course will study rational numbers, expressions and equations, solve and graph inequalities, proportional relationships, scale factors, ratios, two and three dimensional shapes, area, surface area, volume, central tendency, probability. Students will use their knowledge of integers, fractions, decimals, and number sense to prepare for Pre-Algebra. Students will follow the Oklahoma State Standards for 7th Grade Math.
Pre-Algebra (7th & 8th Graders)
Textbook: Mathematics: Applications and Concepts – Course 3 (Glencoe)
Calculator: TI 30xII Multiview
Prerequisite: 7th grade math
Grade Level: 7, 8
This course begins with a review of basic operations of rational numbers and then provides a foundation for the study of algebra. Concepts studied include Rational numbers including fractions, decimals, and integers, the Real number System, Pythagorean Theorem, proportions, rate/slope, similar figures, percent, lines, angles, triangles, perimeter, area, volume, probability, statistics, equations, inequalities, functions, and an introduction to polynomials.
Biblical Integration:
God is the creator of all things. (Genesis 1:1) The Biblical integration of science in these classes reveals the intelligence and vastness of God. The hearts and minds of the students should be filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible design and works of our most amazing creator. However, we will also learn that man must look beyond science (to God and His Word) in order to understand the real meaning of life. (1 Corinthians 2:14-15)
The curriculum and assessments have been aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards for Science (OASS) - click HERE, Kesler 5e Model - Click HERE, and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) - click HERE.
6th Grade Science
In this class we will be focusing on select topics from major disciplines of science. Textbook – Pearson Oklahoma Interactive Science – 6th grade. Unit Topics that will be covered: Changes in States of Matter, Energy, Magnetism and Energy, Cells and Organelles, Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration, Body Systems, Ecosystems, Cycling of Water, Human Impact.
7th Grade Science
In this class, we will be focusing on select topics from major disciplines of science. Curriculum Resources: Oklahoma Elevate, Savvas AND Kesler Science. Unit Topics covered: Weather including the Atmosphere, Convection Currents, and Weather Maps; Ecosystems from Abiotic/Biotic Factors to Biodiversity to Human Impact; and Chemistry from Atoms to Balancing Chemical Equations. Teaching revolves around an interactive class setting. Problem-solving skills, critical thinking situations, and activity/lab/project-based learning will be incorporated throughout the course.
8th Grade Science
In this class, we will be focusing on select topics from major disciplines of science. Curriculum Resources: Oklahoma Elevate, Savvas AND Kesler Science.
Students will analyze motion and forces, specifically, Newton's Laws, culminating in the Great Newton Scooter Race as well as focusing on waves including their applications in technologies for information transfer.
Click on the image to your right! ->
Other Units include Genetics and Heredity including how behaviors play a role, wrapping up the year by exploring the Solar System. Teaching revolves around an interactive class setting. Problem-solving skills, critical thinking situations, and activity/lab/project-based learning will be incorporated throughout the course.
Social Studies
Social Studies (Grades 6 & 7 )
The social studies curriculum for sixth and seventh grade is world geography. Sixth graders will focus on western hemisphere and seventh grade will focus on eastern hemisphere. Geography is the study of the spatial patterns of the human and physical characteristics of the world and its people. Students will study economics, recent history, contemporary events, tools, and maps to study the regions of the world.
Social Studies (Grade 8 )
The Social Studies curriculum for 8th Grade is United States History. Eight graders focus focus on United States History, American Revolution through the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras (1754-1877). Students will study the events and key persons of the American Revolution. The factors, events, documents, significant individuals that led to the formation of the United States of America. These events will be taught through the chronological study of the early national period, westward expansion, and the Civil War and Reconstruction Eras. We use the textbook America History of Our Nation and use interactive notebooks.
6th Grade Bible:
The CPH Enduring Faith curriculum is followed for 6th-grade Bible instruction. Our study begins with God's creation and continues with God calling leaders, and the Israelites. We conclude with the coming of Jesus, his teaching, healing, and sending us. The curriculum selects part of the books of the Bible for us to study to offer students the opportunity to learn and grow in God's grace. Within the context of these lessons, students are taught key concepts of faith such as Law and Gospel, confession, repentance, forgiveness, grace, and mercy, and are encouraged to put these concepts into action in their lives. Students memorize selected Scripture verses and portions of the Small Catechism through a planned memory program. Scripture reading, skits, classwork, projects, and class discussion are used to learn and grow the students" knowledge of the Bible, Faith in the Trinity, and relationship with Jesus.
7th Grade Bible:
In middle school, young people face more and more decisions independently. Soon they find that their new freedoms are followed by greater responsibility and higher expectations. Wise Up encourages your students to study the wisdom of God in Proverbs, allowing Him to shape their lives into the image of His Son, Christ. Textbook: “Wise Up – Wisdom in Proverbs” Positive Action Bible Curriculum
8th Grade Bible:
Lightbearers is a middle school Bible curriculum designed to help 8th-grade students understand the tenets of the Christian worldview. It compares Christianity with other prominent worldviews in the areas of theology, philosophy, ethics, biology, sociology, psychology, law, politics, economics, and history.
ILCA Choir students will learn the fundamentals of good vocal production and sight singing along with basic music theory. As a choir, we will perform many styles of music including classical, patriotic, holiday, contemporary, and more. Student grades will be based on class participation in daily rehearsals as well as participation in all choir performances.
This class is designed to give students an overview of art history beginning with the renaissance period and moving through the pop art period. Students study various artists, learning about the historical time era as well as the artist’s unique artistic style. Students will use assorted art mediums in order to recreate artwork with their own individual style.
The Middle School Band curriculum is centered on music theory, sight reading, writing, and performance.
This course begins with a review (re-visit) of basic music knowledge, parts of the instrument, care of the instrument, position, tone production, fingerings, basic note values, and music reading skills. Then the course will reinforce fundamentals and provide a foundation for the study and performance in band. Students will explore a variety of genres, periods, and composers; to explore the adventure and the power of playing, reading, and writing music. Students will be expected to practice a number of hours and days per week. Students will learn that their playing skills will only develop through practice.
Middle School Band will use THE STANDARD of EXCELLENCE BAND METHOD BOOK 1, which will have a strong performance-centered approach with music theory, music history, ear training, listening to composition, and improvisations.