Fun Fest 2022

Good afternoon Crusader Family!
Our Cru community is so amazing and generous! We have the money to provide the kids with an awesome Fun Fest next Thursday, May 19th!!!! The event will go from 11 am-3 pm. (The newsletter that was sent out earlier today had the wrong ending time)
We will have inflatables, pizza, chips, water, and snow cones.
The students will wear shorts and a spirit wear shirt to school. They will need to bring a towel and sunscreen to school. They will be wet at the end of the day. If you want them to change into dry clothes, please send that with them.
Below is a sign-up genius to help run the event. Please sign up for a time slot if you are available to help.
We look forward to showing our kids how much we love and appreciate them next Thursday!
Thank you!
Whitney Hostetter