First Cross Country Meet this Saturday (and more info)
August 13, 2020 |
In addition to reminding everyone that we will have our first meet this Saturday morning (8/15) in Stroud (arrive at the high school’s sports complex by about 8:05, so we can walk the course together before the races; see below for more info), we also need to discuss several other matters.
~ Student-Athletes will be provided with a print-out of the updated CC 2020 Schedule at tomorrow morning’s practice (7:30 – 9:30 am at the karate place and then at ILCA afterwards).
~ Next week, we will have practice on Tuesday (8/18) night, meeting at 7:00 pm at the Freshman Academy (following the dinner at ILCA for New Staff, etc.). . . Due to ILCA’s Open House on Monday Night and the start of school on Thursday, we will not have regular practice on Monday (8/17) and Wednesday (8/19); instead, student-athletes should run, stretch, and do abs on their own on these days.
~ Coach K would like to continue to avoid the worst of the heat by beginning practice in the evening for the rest of August and the first portion of September. . . Parents, please email Coach K ( to confirm that this would be alright or to state that beginning practice at 6:30 pm or thereabouts (the sunlight is fading too much to continue starting at 6:45 pm now) and continuing until about 8:30 pm for the next 4ish weeks will be a concern. . . Based on this feedback, an additional email concerning practice times during the school year (starting with next Thursday’s practice time) will be sent to everyone.
~ Since the Seminole Nation informed Seminole Public Schools yesterday that the latter could not host a meet on their Nation’s grounds this year due to the pandemic’s spread, we will not have a meet on Saturday, August 22nd, in Seminole. Consequently, we will not have a meet that week.
~ Owasso, moreover, altered their 8/27 race schedule yesterday. The race will now be run at different times (HS in the morning; MS in the evening)–but remain the same day: Thursday, August 27th. However, no spectators will be allowed (such a bummer, for this means parents/guardians cannot come to the Owasso meet). The times are now the following:
UPDATED STARTING TIMES for Owasso’s 8/27 Meet:
9:30 HS Coaches Meeting
10:00 High School Girls Relay Race
11:30 High School Boys Relay Race
3:30 JH Coaches Meeting
4:00 Girls Junior High Traditional Race (1.5 mile)
5:00 Boys Junior High Traditional Race (1.5 mile)
Thus, HS students will miss all of the first 5 class periods, lunch (we will stop to buy some lunch and/or student-athletes can bring their own snacks), and part (or all) of 6th hour. . . MS student-athletes will miss part of 6th hour and all of 7th and 8th hour . . . We will not have practice that day of course. . . Sadly, this also means that the HS and MS student-athletes cannot cheer for one another for this meet.
In the event that additional scheduling changes are made in these difficult times, emails noting the modifications will be sent, of course.
Posted in Athletics, Latest News