The Middle School Band curriculum is centered on music theory, sight reading, writing, and performance.
This course begins with a review of basic music knowledge, parts of the instrument, instrument care, position, tone production, fingerings, basic note values, and music reading skills. Then the course will reinforce fundamentals and provide a foundation for the study and performance in band. Students will explore a variety of genres, periods, and composers to explore the adventure and the power of playing, reading, and writing music. Students will be expected to practice a number of hours and days per week. Students will learn the only way that their playing skills will develop is through practice.
The Middle School Band will use THE STANDARD of EXCELLENCE BAND METHOD BOOKS, which take a strong performance-centered approach to music theory, music history, ear training, listening to composition, and improvisations.
Our band participates annually in public performances and festivals, such as the BA Christmas Parade and Heartland or Music in the Parks festivals, where it has routinely received Superior ratings.

Crusader Choir
Our Crusader Choir is a fun, welcoming musical family that performs frequently throughout the year in concerts, chapel, and special events. This group has grown exponentially both in size and strength since it began five years ago. Crusader Choir members value excellence in all we do and are constantly working to grow as musicians together.
Each year we compete at Heartland Music Fest or a similar competitive festival where we routinely receive Superior ratings and excellent comments from judges. In recent years, we have begun off-site recording field trips, creating great videos of some of our literature in unique performance environments.
Crusader Choir members learn the fundamentals of good vocal production, sight singing, music theory, self-evaluation, and how to work together to create great musical performances. We perform many styles of music, including sacred, classical, patriotic, spiritual, holiday, contemporary, and more. Come be a part of this dynamic group!

Designed to give students an overview of art history beginning with the renaissance period and moving through the pop art period. Students study various artists, learning about the historical time era as well as the artist’s unique artistic style. Students will use assorted art mediums in order to recreate artwork with their own individual styles.

Chapel Band/Leadership in Worship

Spring Musical
- Audition Dates: January 13-15!
- Paper Packets are available in front of the school office or may be downloaded below.
- Production Dates: April 25 & 27 @ BA Community Playhouse
- Audition Packet and Audition Sides - click HERE
- Audition Music Cuts - click HERE
- Lion King Jr Soundtrack - Click HERE
- (Some keys are available to be slightly raised or lowered based on the casting needs)
- Audition Audio Track with voices - Click HERE
- Audition Audio-Instrumental Only - Click HERE

Spring 2024 - Godspell!

Elementary Music
This course is offered as a general music appreciation class for grades Kindergarten through 5th grade. The students perform in two concerts a year, Christmas and Spring, and sing during chapel and church services. The objectives used at ILCA align with the National Music Association standards. They are as follows:
- Sing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- Perform on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music
- Improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments
- Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines
- Read and notate music
- Listen to, analyze and describe music
- Evaluate music and music performances
- Understand relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts
- Understand music in relation to history and culture