Field Day May 5: 1st – 5th grades, Ponca City

Dear ILCA 1st-5th grade Parents,

On May 5th, Immanuel students in grades 1-8 will travel to First Lutheran School in Ponca City for the annual Oklahoma Lutheran Schools Field Day.  ILCA students will compete with other Lutheran students in academic and track/field events at this event.  6th-8th grade students will be taking the bus to Ponca City. We will need parent drivers for the 1st-5th grade students. 

What is Field Day? Each school year in May, students in grades 1-8 compete in track, field, and academic events with students in grades 1-8 from other Lutheran schools in Oklahoma.  First Lutheran School in Ponca City hosts this all-day event.  It is a day filled with fun and Christian fellowship with our ILCA family and other Lutheran school families in the state—the students sign-up and practice for their events during PE with Mr. Clark.

What do I need to do before Field Day? We need parents to volunteer to drive students to this event.  We also need parent volunteers to help run the track and field events our school is responsible for leading.  If you want to drive or help with a field event, please inform your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible. Students in grades 1-5 will either be signed up to ride with their guardian or another student’s guardian. 

What do I need to bring or send with my child to Field Day? Parents who have volunteered to drive are asked to bring a cooler to hold the lunches and drinks for the students transported in their cars.  If you are not driving, your child must bring a sack lunch, sunscreen, plenty of water, and snacks. 
What will my child need to wear to Field Day?ILCA Field Day shirts are being designed for the students. More information regarding the cost and how to order will be sent in the coming weeks. Students must wear school-appropriate athletic shorts/pants with their Field Day shirt and athletic shoes.