Feb 25 Parent Teacher Conferences Sign Up Information

Good Afternoon Parents,
Friday, February 24, 2022 is parent teacher conferences. Conferences will be held from 12:30-7:30.
The K-12th teachers greatly value our communication with you as we partner together to teach your child(ren). The time spent during Parent/Teacher conferences is valuable to us, as educators, as we teach your child(ren) and to your child(ren)’s education. These conferences contribute to your child(ren)’s success in school.
Spring conferences will be held in person. K-3 will have a separate email with instructions. 4-12 should sign up using Sycamore. If you have no concerns you do not need to sign up for a conference.
Conference sign ups are located on Sycamore using the parent conference link located on the right side of the dashboard (not available using the app). You can sign up easily for all your children and each of their teachers. Please contact Susan Divine or Valerie Cobb if you do not know your Sycamore log in or need assistance signing up for a conference.
If you do not feel comfortable meeting in person please contact the teacher directly to make other arrangements.
We look forward to meeting with you.
ILCA 4th-12th Grade Teachers