Fall 2022 Calendar, Volleyball Schedule, and Photos
Hi Everyone,
I have updated our school calendar for the upcoming 2022-23 year, both on our Website Calendar as well as Sycamore. The Fall Volleyball Schedule is current with our first match being at home on August 4 against NOAH.
I have also figured out how to update our Sycamore Home Page photos. Even though I have a bunch of pictures uploaded, it looks like the “Highlighted” photos scroll through a small set of images. Every time you log in to Sycamore the “Feature” photo will change within the “large” set of Gallery images (or you can refresh the page and a new image will appear every time).
As we take pictures in 2022-23, please send them my way and I will keep the Gallery as well as Field Trips and Service Projects current.
Have a great summer and reach out any time with questions or concerns.
Mrs. H (Hendricks)
MS/HS Science Teacher and Dual Credit Instructor
Website/Phone App Administrator
Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy