End of the Semester Reminders

Dear Parents,

Just a reminder couple of reminders as we finish up this semester.

Christmas break starts at 12:30 pm on Dec. 17th and we will return to school for the 2nd semester on January 4th.

Early dismissal tomorrow Friday, December 17th for all students at 12:30 pm.

Pizza is provided by the PTL for all students for lunch tomorrow as well.

Class Christmas party information has been sent out by the homeroom teachers as well, see them for details.

Aftercare will be available until 6 pm tomorrow, as usual.


The school office will be closed from 1 pm on tomorrow Friday, December 17th, and will open again at the beginning of the 2nd semester. 

Susan Divine
Administrative Assistant
Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy
Office: 918-251-5422
Email: sdivine@icaba.org

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