BA Summer Hiring Program over Spring Break – HS Students!

As part of our hiring efforts every year, we offer walk-in hiring fairs where students are able to come to our location, receive assistance with the application, interview immediately in person, and be connected to an HR representative, all in the same setting. This can help alleviate student and parent concerns – there is no long wait to hear back from an employer, no time spent hunting down the right location on the website to apply. Attached is a flyer for our biggest hiring fair for this year, our Spring Break walk-in interview week.

The entire week of Spring Break (March 18 – March 22) we will interview all walk-ins from 8 AM to 5 PM. These interviews can be for any of our positions, including Lifeguards, Cashiers, Concession Workers, and Slide Attendants. We will have computers available to complete the application, interviewers available to sit down with the candidate, and, if hired, be able to start the pre-hire process immediately. Please pass the attached flyer on to your students. We would love to see them at this upcoming hiring event.

If students have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I am happy to answer any questions.

Don Sappington

Aquatics Program Supervisor

Parks & Recreation Department

City of Broken Arrow

220 S. First Street

Broken Arrow, OK  74012

918-259-7000 ext. 7447 |

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