Test Prep and FASFA Information

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Parents as you come across helpful resources, we’d love to add it to our list of resources – please send info to ghendricks@icaba.org


National Sites:

State Information:

Oklahoma State Department of Education Testing Resources

FASFA Information

Click on the latest in FASFA Information for 2024


Once you have taken the PSAT – the results will include a link you can use to tailor KHAN Academy specifically to areas/subjects which need attention.
Chad Cargill’s
MAGOOSH Online Test Prep

Locations in the Tulsa area

Jenks Community Education  – Click HERE to search for a class – enter keyword ACT.  This class will cover all ACT sections: Science, Math, and English/Reading/Writing.  The sessions are ideal for students seeking to raise their ACT scores and for students taking the ACT for the first time.  Bring a calculator and a pencil.  Study book and materials are included.