Parent Teacher Conferences Tuesday and Friday!

When: Tuesday, October 1st and Friday, October 4th

Times: 12:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Sign up through FACTS by computer or phone, yay!

Parents, your children’s teachers will soon be sending you a link to sign up for conferences (automated through FACTs).  When the link comes, it takes you directly to your Family Portal.   From there, click on your Calendar, Click the My Classroom tab, go to October first, Click on the PT Conference link of the teacher(s) you would like to visit with, and sign up for a time.  NOTE: Both Tuesday AND Friday times will be on the October 1st link.

See example pics below.  Pic 1 – click on the teacher(s).  Pic 2 – register, then on the next screen you will choose a time, and register again.  Any questions, please reach out to Ginger Hendricks.

Your teachers receive an email notification that you have signed up (and I think you do, too).  If you need to cancel or edit your times, just cancel the appts in question, and enter your new times if applicable.  Teachers receive the cancellation notice about 20 minutes after you cancel or edit times.

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