Elementary Basketball Information

Hello K-5 Elementary Parents,

Basketball season is right around the corner! If your elementary child(ren) would like to play ILCA elementary basketball this winter, please email ILCA Athletic Director Steve Camp, scamp@icaba.org, letting him know of your child(ren)’s interest. In your email to Mr. Camp, please include the following:

1. your child’s name

2. your child’s grade

We do need parent volunteers for this program. Parents will be needed to coach teams. When teams begin playing games, parents will be needed to run the scoreboard, take admission, etc. for games that ILCA hosts. If you, as a parent, would be willing to help with ILCA elementary basketball program, in your email scamp@icaba.org, please include the following:

1. your name

2. your child’s name

3. your child’s grade

We are looking forward to a blessed ILCA elementary basketball season this winter.